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[caption id="attachment_543" align="alignleft" width="800"] Matcha Chia Pudding[/caption] Yet another week has flown by and we are already in the month of February. Where did the month fly? I know, time is relative but didn't we just celebrate Christmas. This week marks the beginning of the semester...

January is a big birthday month in our household. Both my husband and daughter are born on January 25th and preparation usually begins much in advance. Since I love baking cakes and birthdays and cakes go so well together I usually start experimenting with different...

The new year is progressing in big strides and I realized it's time to post something new, reflective of the new year and setting intentions for the new year. New years resolutions are usually too overwhelming for me because I know I won't fulfill half...

A quick post for you today. I wasn't planning on writing a full post but I decided otherwise. Inspired by the new year and in keeping with making resolutions for the new year I thought it would be a great place to begin with breakfast....

I'm so excited about this recipe today. It is very simple to make and it looks absolutely beautiful. So perfect for a gift, right? Christmas in our household is very simple. We try to just enjoy each others company and the children are basically the...

At this time of the year when the darkness dominates the days I tend to get very reflective. I like to hibernate and spend hours cuddling up at home and drink a lot of warming drinks. I look back on the year and evaluate         what I've accomplished and...

Today I'm changing things up a bit. What originally started as a German-speaking platform will in future be in English as well. For me a challenge because I'll be translating my texts but I don't want to disappoint my German-speaking public. Being Canadian, born and...

Vor zwei Jahren habe ich das Vergnügen gehabt meine jetzigen Nachbarn kennenzulernen. Mit Ihnen habe ich nicht nur Nachbarn gewonnen, sondern auch eine ganze wunderbare japanische Familie, inklusive "Obachans"(zwei bezaubernde Omis). Unsere Freundschaft vertieft sich mit jedem Tag und ein wesentlicher Teil von unserem sehr...

Meine Liebesbeziehung zum Brot hat sich von Jahr zu Jahr verändert, mal mehr, mal weniger. Ich kann mich an das erste Mal erinnern, als ich eine österreichische Bäckerei betrat: Ich war völlig aus dem Häuschen, weil es so viele Sorten gab! Besonders gefielen mir die dunklen Krusten und die vielen...

                            Der Herbst ist noch lange nicht zu Ende und ich habe unzählige kulinarische Ideen, was das Thema "Kürbis" betrifft. Viele kennen die herzhaften Möglichkeiten: Kürbiscremesuppe, Kurbisgnocchi, Kürbislasagne usw. Als gebürtige Kanadierin habe ich Jahr für Jahr Thanksgiving gefeiert, aber nie den berühmten "Pumpkin Pie" serviert bekommen. Wahrscheinlich deshalb, weil ich...