Author: Aleksandra

[caption id="attachment_543" align="alignleft" width="800"] Matcha Chia Pudding[/caption] Yet another week has flown by and we are already in the month of February. Where did the month fly? I know, time is relative but didn't we just celebrate Christmas. This week marks the beginning of the semester...

Today I'm changing things up a bit. What originally started as a German-speaking platform will in future be in English as well. For me a challenge because I'll be translating my texts but I don't want to disappoint my German-speaking public. Being Canadian, born and...

                            Der Herbst ist noch lange nicht zu Ende und ich habe unzählige kulinarische Ideen, was das Thema "Kürbis" betrifft. Viele kennen die herzhaften Möglichkeiten: Kürbiscremesuppe, Kurbisgnocchi, Kürbislasagne usw. Als gebürtige Kanadierin habe ich Jahr für Jahr Thanksgiving gefeiert, aber nie den berühmten "Pumpkin Pie" serviert bekommen. Wahrscheinlich deshalb, weil ich...